#CoronaFuture: The Economy S&P

Mark Mullen
1 min readMar 21, 2020

Lots of discussion of the economy and its future. The question of what actually IS the economy, is a complex and important one. Is it the stock market? The unemployment rate? Prices (of what?) lots of different measurements. But the US stock market, let’s say the S&P, is an ok measurement of our feelings about the future economy. So what do we think? #CoronaFuture

a) What you think the S&P will be one year from today 21 March 2021. (don’t just put a number. Nobody gets a prize for guessing right. I want to know why you think that.

b) How low it will go before it starts to go up and what that date will be (and why).

c) Things that will influence this that people aren’t thinking or talking about enough.

S&P background

April 1995 500 for the first time

Feb 1998 1000 for the first time

Aug 2000 1500 for the first time

Sept 2002 800 dropped to that

Oct 2007 1500 back again

Mrch2009 800 the low that time

Feb 2013 1500 back that time

Mrch 2016 2000 first time

July 2019 3000 first time

Feb 2020 3400 all time high

Tdy 2020 2300 (21 March 2020)

Comments below……



Mark Mullen

Voter Turnout, San Francusco, Tbilisi, TX, Wesleyan, UK, democracy, transparency, books, bikes